Structured cabling is defined as building or campus telecommunications cabling infrastructure. Low voltage systems, defined as 50 volts (V) or less, include telecom/IT network infrastructure, security systems, audio-visual systems, dynamic signage, and other systems associated with the IT network, namely building management systems (BMS) and possibly lighting control systems.
Reduce design changes
Reduce change orders
Prevents re-work
Ensures successful inspections
Low voltage design is a critical component of any low voltage network or system. Taking steps to ensure proper planning, design, installation, and maintenance of low voltage infrastructure will have a positive impact on those that not only use them, but also those who maintain these networks and systems as well. Proper coordination between the architect, general contractor, electrical contractor, and low voltage contractor is critical when it comes to delivering a quality low voltage system design and installation. A quality low voltage design starts at the concept phase, continuing through the design phase, implementation phase, and through to the support phase.
CONTACT US to learn more about our design approach and how we can help you in your office cabling design projects.